Bob Moog passed away, Event |
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Mon 22 Aug 2005, 09:18
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news Bob Moog passed away Mon 22 Aug 2005, 09:18
azusa I'm very sorry to hear this. We owe a lot from thi... Mon 22 Aug 2005, 09:18
Jaysee That's very sad news. He was the man! I wa... Tue 23 Aug 2005, 09:49
coldharbour RIP. He really made a change in electronic music. Tue 23 Aug 2005, 11:30
meta22 The passing of a TRUE GIANT who gave us tools to r... Wed 24 Aug 2005, 03:09
lepetitmartien Just came back from long holidays, where I only sa... Mon 12 Sep 2005, 17:22
azusa I'm very sorry to hear this. We owe a lot from thi... Mon 22 Aug 2005, 09:18
Jaysee That's very sad news. He was the man! I wa... Tue 23 Aug 2005, 09:49
coldharbour RIP. He really made a change in electronic music. Tue 23 Aug 2005, 11:30
meta22 The passing of a TRUE GIANT who gave us tools to r... Wed 24 Aug 2005, 03:09
lepetitmartien Just came back from long holidays, where I only sa... Mon 12 Sep 2005, 17:22
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