ADAM Monitors, NearField Active ADAM monitors |
Sat 11 Jun 2005, 00:29

Group: Members
Posts: 20
Joined: 03-Feb 03
From: Lisbon - PT
Member No.: 11,396

Does anyone already tested the "The Artist"(aka The Apple) active monitors from Adams?
The budget choice is between the Genelec 8020A and the Adams "The Artist".
It will be used in home studio enviroment for recording and mixing experimental music (Max/MSP stuff), powerbook G4/867 + M-Audio 410 and a mackie 1202.
I have a pair of passive KRK Rockit, which i am very fond, but I keep on hearing good stuff about Adams, and so I tested a Adams passive pair that sounded great, massive sound for such a small monitor, an acoustic jazz trio seemed like they were playing in the room, with lots of space and detail...
best, CS
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