Which Audio Recording Program?, how save internet streaming? |
Wed 4 May 2005, 00:39

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Posts: 3
Joined: 04-May 05
From: San Jose - US
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Hi Mac Music Experts, I would like to save/record internet streaming programs, such as Prarie Home Companion or Car Talk http://prairiehome.publicradio.org/programs/2005/04http://www.cartalk.com/Radio/Show/online.htmlI can listen to them online, using RealPlayer. I'd like to be able to save them to disk/file, in MP3 or aiff What program can I use to save a talk show that I'm listening to? I've tried Sound Sculptor and Coaster. The only way they offer to do this, is to connect a cable between your audio output jack and the mic input jack. I don't like this choice. Programs such as JetAudio can do this on Windows. It even gives me choices of quality/format, otherwise, the first time I tried it, I ended up with 800 meg file for a one hour recording. What I want to do it listen to Prarie Home Companion in my car, while driving, when I want to listen to it. I don't want to sit in front of my computer and do nothing else for 2 hours while listening. My solution would be to let my low-end Powerbook sit in a corner and play and record the show, then I will play it back later in my car. I'm using OS 9 on a Powerbook, if that matters. I'd like to do this with a low-cost shareware program. I'm using iTunes 2 for playback. Question 2: Do you know of a shareware Balance Control program? I'm plugging my Mac into a amp that does not have balance and one speaker is farther away than the other, so I need balance to hear both speakers. thanks, Bill
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