Dynaudio Or Genelec Monitors?, Which are the best and why? |
Fri 11 Feb 2005, 16:49

Group: Members
Posts: 11
Joined: 03-Jul 04
From: Christiansted - US
Member No.: 46,231

I've narrowed my search down to these two pairs of powered monitors: Dynaudio BM5A Genelec 1029A
I going to be doing some acoustic instrument recording and then mostly midi, loop/sample based electronic music in a medium sized home studio with concrete walls, tile floors, 15ft wood ceilings. I'm pretty psycho about sound quality and know that these 2 brands have very high standards so I'm sure either would be a good choice. however since they are both pretty heavy and I'm not in the states, having them shipped and then returning them isn't an option. I'm hoping someone here will know how these may perform in an environment similar to mine. I've started working on some acoustic panels for the walls but I've still got a long way to go. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!
Wave Creative Services Christiansted, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
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dave-g Dynaudio Or Genelec Monitors? Fri 11 Feb 2005, 16:49 Gojinx I've had the Genelecs for a few years now and ... Sat 12 Feb 2005, 10:17 lepetitmartien Mhmmm I think i've seen this question already ... Sat 12 Feb 2005, 15:11 coldharbour I don't know what living in USA has to do with... Mon 14 Mar 2005, 12:43 flemming Having worked on a selection of studio speakers, i... Sun 31 Jul 2005, 08:13 Jsegura QUOTE whereas (to be honest) the 1029 is a bit of ... Sun 31 Jul 2005, 15:17 flemming QUOTE Auratone of the present time
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