Midiport, Oms And Os9.2 - Cant Get Started... |
Mon 6 Dec 2004, 02:29
Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 06-Dec 04
From: Richmond - CA
Member No.: 56,174
Hello all;
I purchased a Midisport 2X2, loaded OMS 2.3.8, loaded the Midisport driver, then clicked on the OMS setup program as instructed, and I get the following warning: “-108 there was not enough memory OMS could not be loaded”. I tried again by trashing everything from OMS and Midisport, setting Extensions manager to "9.2 base" restarting, reinstalling, restarting with the same result. What is going on?
I'm using a G3 Imac 450, 192 built in memory, Apple talk off
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