Will Protools Le 6.7 Run On This Dinosaur?, confused about hardware requirements |
Sat 4 Dec 2004, 01:42

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 04-Dec 04
From: Chicago - US
Member No.: 56,065

i have a 600 MHz G3 iBook (Dual USB) with OX 10.3 and 384 RAM.
i'm wondering if the MBox and LE 6.7 will work on my computer.
i also have an external firewire hard drive.
i know i have a slow computer, but i don't have a lot of money and would like to start recording music. i'm new at music software, and really appreciate the help. i tried reading digidesign's webpage to find the answer, and i could not. i e-mailed them, but have yet to hear back from them. thanks in advance.
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