Bouncing To Disk In Dp 4.12, Bouncing to disk in DP 4.12 |
Sun 26 Sep 2004, 06:27
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From: Brookfield, IL. - US
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Could anyone please explain, step by step, the correct procedure when bouncing to disk.
When I bounce(16bit 44.1khz) using the mono(entenuation) option, it'll play back distorted and unmixed. When I bounce with the(split stereo) option, I get 2 separate L & R mono files, which is what I'd prefer, but how can I save/bounce both L & R as one mp3, wav, or aiff, etc. iTunes and Quicktime will only open one or the other. I don't get it.
I've tried bouncing using every option and I've read the manual over and over, but still I'm getting poor audio/mix translation. What am I missing? Can someone please clear this up for me. ...Why doesn't Digital Performer just simply have an export option?
My goal: Once a song is finished, ..after mixing, automation, mastering, etc., is to be able to save/bounce the song in it's entirety as an mp3, aiff, wav, etc. file to place on a CD.
Any help would be appreciated, .....Thanks
Mac OS X 10.3.5 / PowerBook G4 1.25 w/ Superdrive / Motu 828II / DP 4.12 / Technics Modeling Synth Midi Keyboard / Fostex DMT-8VL Digital Multitracker
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