The perfect pitch, Article |
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Fri 18 Jun 2004, 04:45
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articles The perfect pitch Fri 18 Jun 2004, 04:45
p pitch musician Most of these things are true. To me there is no r... Fri 18 Jun 2004, 04:45
jescoolman I don't really have perfect pitch, but I do ha... Fri 12 Aug 2005, 08:36
chinupkid How do systems such as just intonation, mean-tone ... Wed 12 Oct 2005, 20:35
p pitch musician Most of these things are true. To me there is no r... Fri 18 Jun 2004, 04:45
jescoolman I don't really have perfect pitch, but I do ha... Fri 12 Aug 2005, 08:36
chinupkid How do systems such as just intonation, mean-tone ... Wed 12 Oct 2005, 20:35
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