Does Anyone Know?..., HELP with Cubase 5.1r1 download bundle |
Thu 20 May 2004, 00:02
Group: Validating
Posts: 16
Joined: 13-May 04
From: Nelson - CA
Member No.: 43,114
I'm trying to get my studio going again... I'm running on a G4 (350 MHz, w/ OS 9.2.2) and using Steinberg's Cubase 5.0- although the CD seems to be messed, because I try to instal, and it starts, then it stops and says an error occured... Anyhow, I'm trying to get the 5.1r1 update off of the support page, and it's a six part bundle. + Here's my question- Do I need to have instaled the original program FIRST, or does the authorization numer do the trick? Secondly, I'm under the impression their is a trick to the bundle download, (like starting from 6 and working backwards??) If anybody knows anything, your help would be great. Thanks
Always watching...[I]
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