Setting Up Midi Controller Pedal, Semi-newbie needs help |
Sun 16 May 2004, 19:24
Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 03-Apr 04
From: Crofton - US
Member No.: 40,139
Trying to program Behringer FCB1010 pedal (10 buttons, two pedals) to control my V-STack software as a generic MIDI remote. I was able to set up the Exp A pedal and button #1 to control volume and toggle solo on a specific VST sound off/on via my software.
HOWEVER...I can't seem to get anything else to work. It seems like all of the buttons now do what I've set #1 to , and the Exp B pedal oddly pans my solo track from L63 to L64 (no matter how I have it set, either on the pedal itself or in the V-STack software). When I use the "learn" feature, it records all of the buttons as the same (no matter how they're set on the FCB1010).
Is this because I have to manually change something on the FCB? And whose tech support should I call? Behringer? Steinberg?
I'm telling you, I use computers every day, I'm a college graduate, I'm a smart person, really I am...this MIDI thing is just kicking my ass. Depressing.
I'm running OS 10.3 on a Powerbook G4 667 with 1GB of RAM.
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