Apple Confirms iPod Update Problems, Apple |
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news Apple Confirms iPod Update Problems Wed 5 May 2004, 11:53 jim button No problems here (3G iPod) Wed 5 May 2004, 11:53 peterkirn Yeah, I had good luck with my 3G iPod, too. Anyone... Wed 5 May 2004, 15:47 lepetitmartien Is it the reason there's refurb iPods for sale... Wed 5 May 2004, 17:42 peterkirn Heheh, yes, those automatically generated Google a... Wed 5 May 2004, 19:39 jb I have a new gen iPod, and I did have trouble upda... Fri 7 May 2004, 14:26 Guest >Lossless audio also seems to function correctl... Fri 7 May 2004, 20:19 dolphinboy2U This one bit me. iPod was being recognized as a h... Fri 7 May 2004, 23:05 snow 2G 20 GB iPod was updated and works normal, with 4... Thu 3 Jun 2004, 08:55
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