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> Logic Express Doesn't Like My G3 Ibook, Logic Express claiming it requires G4!
post Tue 4 May 2004, 18:00
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Posts: 24
Joined: 22-Dec 02
From: Oxford - UK
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I have just picked up Logic Express 6 so that I can finally stop having to use OS 9 for anything (to ditch Logic Silver 4.8).

However, I'm getting a wierd error on my 800MHz G3 iBook when I launch the application, that says

"CUBE needs Altivec compatible cpu (G4 and up)" and then I have to quit the app.

Logic Express should work with a G3, so what is this 'CUBE' thing referring to? I have an edirol UA-30 USB audio solution (using core audio driver) and an emagic MT4 USB MIDI box that I want to use with Logic. I have a feeling the problem is being caused by the UA-30 in some way, because logic launches okay if I don't have this plugged in (though I get another error telling me I have no audio interface plugged in).

Can anybody shed any light on this?

Thanks in advance
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