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> Audio Desk Without 828?
post Sun 2 Nov 2003, 17:12
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From: Spokane - US
Member No.: 20,268

Hey all:

Considering purchasing a MOTU 828. I'd like to use it with my iBook. After recording, I want to be able to disconnect from the hardware and go elsewhere (Starbucks, etc.) and do editing. Can I open and use Audio Desk without the 828, or is it like ProTools systems, which require the attached hardware to open?

Also, any comments on minimum operating system requirements for use with OSX would be appreciated.


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The King of Hell...
post Sat 13 Dec 2003, 09:33
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From: Barcelona - ES
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Hi Carlos!!!.Yes, you do need the hardware to use Audio Desk.That does not mean however that once you have recorded your files in Audio desk (provided you have the 828 for instance) you can not export the audio files you have and do some editing with another software.Audio Desk records your audio files in SDII format and the files can be easily exported to Pro Tools system.This is what you should check, the files compatibility between the audio files that Audio Desk produces and whatever software you want to use along with Audio Desk.Furthermore you should check as well how to convert Audio Files to make them compatible with other programs.I honestly do not know the software you mention so I can´t help any further.Bear in mind anyway that Audio Desk and specially Pro Tools are very good with audio but a bit weak regarding MIDI, so if you are going to use MIDI a lot go for LOGIC.

I hope the helps!!!!
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