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post Fri 17 May 2002, 04:33
Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 30
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From: Wuakesha
Member No.: 4,460

Well i am looking for an audio card for my mac and i dont know exactly to get. I want it to be fairly inexpensive(uner 250$) and have some good midi and audio i/o's(preferibly TSR jacks so i could put a guitar directly into it). I dont know what to get though. also another question on my mind if i had an audio card with OSX drivers would there be any problems working with an audio application in OS9?(i have been basicly looking at the audiophile 2496 or USB Quattro from midiman but if anyone else knows of any other i/o setups i would appreciate the input)
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post Sat 29 Jun 2002, 04:26
Post #2


Group: Members
Posts: 30
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From: Wuakesha
Member No.: 4,460

well the card does not have any spdif ins or outs just analong audio 1/4' in an outs. Personaly i am fine with the logic delta prgram (although it doesnt allow manny plug ins for each track, and it does not come with that many either, reverb, chorus, flanger, gainer, and some others). but for a decent starter midi and audio sequencer it is fairly good, i have no problems with it. But there is one thing with the card it does not allow you to hear in sterio using only one out, thogh it is no real problem if you have monitors, and i dont want to spend alot on a pair of monitors to get this so i dont know what to do to get sterio (maybe get a y addaptor and plug it into my headphones?!?!?)
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