Recording Vocals, tips, tricks, theory |
Mon 3 Feb 2003, 02:20

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From: Westland
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i'm looking for some information on recording vocals. i have a project studio set up at home and need some advice and info on how to get a good sound, ie: isolation, mixing, eqing, compression, etc... any help would be appreciated, books or magazines you've seen, websites, or your own experience. thanks.
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Fri 2 May 2003, 18:37

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I recorded all my voices in my little room without any isolation, I find that takes made in studio especially in a cabin are too "sanitized". Anyway, you need a good microphone, preamp and compressor (with Tube it's better). I use an Audix CX 101 Microphone, a TL Audio VP 5051 preamp linked to a MindPrint T-Comp and find my sound GREAT... An engineer was very surprised to hear the grain and quality of the takes. I use the 2 channels of my compressor, one for compressing, the other for limiting. Make a lot of tests... try to find your "sound" and enjoy !
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That's a nice inexpensive setup!
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