Mac OS X Annoncé pour Pc's, ( à lire en anglais ) |
Tue 10 Dec 2002, 20:13

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| Tuesday 10th December 2002
Apple could sell OS X as alternative to Windows [MacUser] 13:21
Marklar, Apple's project to build a version of Mac OS X for Intel processors, may be of more strategic importance to the company than had previously been thought. Far from being a backup project in case the PowerPC chip falls far behind Intel, it may actually be a product that Apple will ship to current Windows users. US sources close to the project indicated that the company was actively considering selling Marklar as a retail product, effectively allowing users to replace Windows with OS X. Apple is contemplating the move because it sees an opportunity to win market share from Windows when Microsoft introduces Palladium, a version of its operating system that implements digital rights management. Palladium could prevent users from copying any copyright material, such as music or video, without the explicit permission of the rights owner.
Marklar would have no such limitations built in, allowing Apple to appeal to Windows users frustrated by the restrictions on how they use their computers. Apple has taken the stance that users should be free to use their computers how they wish, and that it is up to copyright holders to encourage people to use them responsibly.
A second scenario in which Apple would release Marklar concerns its relationship with Microsoft. Although relations between the two companies are good, it is understood that if it worsens significantly, Marklar would be released in an effort to hit Microsoft's core operating system business. One source suggested that Marklar's release could be triggered by Microsoft cancelling the Mac version of Office.
However, launching Marklar would present some significant dangers to Apple's business. Users would be free to buy generic PC hardware instead of Macs, potentially hitting Apple's highly profitable hardware business. The company would be taking a gamble on many users continuing to prefer its stylish hardware over that of PCs.
Marklar itself is understood to be at an advanced stage of development, with builds matching those of the PowerPC OS X. Apple's bundled applications, including iTunes and iChat, have versions that run on the product.
However, Marklar requires that OS X-native Carbon and Cocoa applications are recompiled to work on Intel processors, and there is no support for pre-OS X Classic applications.
Ian Betteridge je ne sais pas traduire ceci et je le poste également dans l'open bar English, étant donné que celà peut nous interesser, nous les Français... je me permet de le poster ici aussi.
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LaPanthereRose Mac OS X Annoncé pour Pc's Tue 10 Dec 2002, 20:13 Yukulele Moi je trouve ça bien, à l'image de ce qui se ... Tue 10 Dec 2002, 21:00 benji Moi j'ai entendu dire qu'on pourrait aussi... Tue 10 Dec 2002, 21:46 heral QUOTE Mac OS X Annoncé pour Pc's
p'tain, ... Tue 10 Dec 2002, 21:48 gubbe Et bas moi je trouve ça plutot bien. Etant donné q... Tue 10 Dec 2002, 22:01 lepetitmartien Hum… avant que vous partiez en vrille… il y a du c... Tue 10 Dec 2002, 23:26 LaPanthereRose pourquoi ?
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... bah alors VinX ?
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