Akai |
Sun 3 Nov 2002, 13:37
Group: Members
Posts: 93
Joined: 11-Aug 02
From: La Garenne Colombes - FR
Member No.: 6,752
Ben essaye ca!!! Is there a way to burn a CD-rom of an Akai-formatted hard disk? To burn your own AKAI format CD-ROM you first have to create a harddisk with all the AKAI volumes, sounds, programs and stuff that you want to have. (Remember the max size of an AKAI drive is currently 512MB. A CD ROM has got up to 650MB) When you are happy with your drive and think nothing needs to be changed you can start burning. This is done by a so called SCSI copy (which is available from most burning software). An SCSI copy simply transfers an exact image of your source SCSI volume to the traget (the CD ROM). You have to do it this way because the AKAI format is not recognized by any standard computer file system - but this way you work on low driver level and your computer simply doesn't care what sort of data it works on. Bonne chance
Posts in this topic
brian holden Akai Sun 3 Nov 2002, 13:05 Yukulele QUOTE (brian holden @ Nov 3 2002, 14:05)j... Sun 3 Nov 2002, 15:14 brian holden mêrci ! cool!
mais cela ne sera pas la pei... Sun 3 Nov 2002, 15:38 igor bonjour,
effectivement cdXtract permet de lire dan... Mon 4 Nov 2002, 10:01 Yukulele Brian, tu comptes garder des images de 650Mo sur t... Wed 6 Nov 2002, 12:40 brian holden a vrai dirte, ça me gonfle de loader a chaque fois... Wed 6 Nov 2002, 12:49 Yukulele Perso, j'utilise quasiment pas de CDs de sampl... Wed 6 Nov 2002, 13:00 brian holden ben non y a pas d'extension ... et j'ai es... Wed 6 Nov 2002, 14:20 heral ce sont des cordes au format gigasampler, si mes s... Thu 7 Nov 2002, 09:13
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