First OS9 is not, because Stevy said it obsolette, a lot of system (most of) are still running on and continue on about a year from now. And there will be still a lot of computer which won't make the path. Knowledge base, we keep.
Instead, what happened is:
+ The thread was moved just like that, on wich I told myself "Another moderating accident, BusyMod clicks the 'move' buttons too fast"
I did, no mail because I don't have the time for. I know it's not exactly right, but 6 months ago I had the time, no more now.
+ Thus, thinking it is an error, I reply; since apparently i hadn't understood the non-os9 related subjects appearing there were MEANT to be there
OS9 forum is for all the computer stuff, including the peripherals. If the questions had been upon a mismatching of levels on the xlr I would have let it in hardware. a general topic on the peripheral goes OS9.
Why OS9, because most of the music makers are still on 9.
So general peripheral questions go there.
OSX is for X only topics
WE KNOW this is stupid as it is, but we are trying to change it, but NOT in a hurry, and not without taking experience from the whole site. See my precedent post on this.
I'm not saying in anyway that you did badly, i'm only thinking the way we are organized now. It is my duty, remember. It's the same on the french forums, that 's WHY we are changing that, but by creating a dedicated forum for these peripherals (and I'm the boss
+ Some other moderator, who obviously was thinking like me and not like the ModBoss, says "doh, wierd" and moves the topic back.
As I had moved the thread, He should have asked me before, and I would have said no. He's pretty new as a moderator, so I won't whip him in public (in private neither
+ The ModBoss -who was hidding all that time behind a banner watching the scene- jumps, shows his fangs, and reapply the rule nobody knows about, because it's discussed in the Moderator Forums anyway.
I've never been hiding, I was there all the time. he he
So, if you look closely and COUNT the number of messages generated by this ONE action, it is FAR MORE than a slight off topic subject would have ever generated by itself. So instead of reducing the chaos, in fact, it blew it completely out of proportions.
Sorry, it's not a reason to attack Irak
You really take it way too seriously, nobody was killed.
the quesiton on my side is to have the forum used as they are meant to be used. topic in the forums. If you have not marked it, macmusic is in full growth crisis. We are adapting to it. And the layback attitude can't go much further.
1- we need moderators
2- we need new forums to clarify the place
3- we need to be strict, as when we have to move (remember while i'm answering you, I'm not on the french side moving topics)
When I took the charge this spring, Soif was doing most of the moderation duty, and simply couldn't do much more. Now he can stay on the site management and coding and sleep at least time to time
I've been a moderator for years. I was a moderator on QBBS (in france) in 1988 already, and I'm also a Game Master on a rather well known MMORPG. The "no intervention is better than bad intervention" is a golden rule.
(autority argument…)
Chaos has never been a solution (even if the moving post were not exactly the best thing against it
We work for the site to be a professional helpfull database. If things are not where they should, it can be because they are not posted where they should, or the place where they should be is weird.
It's not just a question of being a smart ass or what.
To come back on the not completely off topic issue… it is the difficult points, and moderators, and if needed me and Soif on last resort DECIDE. It's dictatorship, but it must be done.
On the other side, as Presto has a point on that, we really need all english native moderators like Presto, as he says: to manage our cultural differences
. For my part, I'd be glad to stop moderate (except as the big assh… in chief
in the EN forums. It'd be for the better.
now if we could concentrate on the new forums, if presto has finished the list corrected for user input
(better for everyone to see the fruit of our sick minds and brains