Tue 6 Dec 2005, 02:12
Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 04-Dec 05
From: Poinye Claire - CA
Member No.: 73,426
OK Star Fox... your a dope... a big one. You know why???... cause your useless.... and you dont even realize it! You had this big time problem, that believe it or not... so many other MAC OS X 10.4.3 users using Tascam US 122's have. Anyways, I was one of them... and then to my dissapointment... when you said "YEAAAAHHHHHHHH I FIGURED IT OUT!!!... BUT UH... DUH..... I DONT KNOW HOW I DID IT... SORRY... I JUST DID... I'M A RETARD.... DUH"
Anyways, based on all the forums I went to, and gooling everything in site, I know there's alot of you out there... and so many have already returned either their Power Book, or their TASCAM. I came close myself. So here's the answer to the problem. I figured it out...
Go to the Tascam website: www.tascam.com/Products/US-122.html. Click on the driver OSX 3.3.2 (or whatever the specific number is I can't remeber). Now you will see that once downloaded... you probably wont be able to open it in your Power Book. Thats because OS X 10.4.3 doesnt recognize the extension of the driver.
To open this unreadable extension, you need to download the free STUFF IT application from the Alladin website (It is FREEWARE... or there is a free 30 day trial... so don't worry).
Now you have everything you need to open the driver. Go to the downloaded driver and chose OPEN WITH... and then pick STUFFIT. It will open it, then you can install your driver. Make sure you dont have your TASCAM connected. Reboot the computer, connect your USB, then open your cubase... and voila!!! It will pick up the signals from your TASCAM.
If it still doesnt, go to your preferences on the Power Book. Go to sounds. There are 3 tabs (EFFECTS, INPUTS, & OUTPUTS). Click on Inputs and Outputs, and change it from Built in stereo, to TASCAM US122). Now you will be all set!
Just so you know, it took me a whole weekend to figure this out. I hope this helps!
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