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> My Exsp24 Has Completely Disappeared, It Was There Until I Tried to Update
Scooter McCrae
post Wed 2 Feb 2005, 23:20
Post #1


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Joined: 22-Dec 03
From: New York - US
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Greetings Folks!
I just recently installed Logic Express 6 (version 6.4) on my G3 laptop (400mz) which has a 1G of RAM and 40G of memory; I'm working is OSX (version 10.2.8, I think). The exsp24 wasn't quite working right; whenever I tried to install a sample, no matter which one I called up all I got was a sine-type wave. So I downloaded the exsp24 V1.1 update in the hopes of correcting the problem, and now the exsp24 option has completely disappeared from my vst options! It still resides within the Logic folder in the audio library, but when I'm running Logic it simply does not appear as an option with the EVP73 as it used to (and not in any of the other VST, AU, etc. choices). Have I done something horribly wrong or is something else afoot? Any help would be greatly appreciated as everything else seems to be working fine and i'm otherwise very impressed with the program. Thanks very much!
-Scooter McCrae
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