What Headphones To Mirror Mackie 624? |
Sat 1 Jan 2005, 20:02

Group: Members
Posts: 50
Joined: 28-Sep 04
From: Surrey - UK
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Can anyone recommend a closed back headphone model that will give me as close to the flat frequency response of my Mackie 624 monitors?
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Mon 24 Jan 2005, 16:11

Group: Members
Posts: 79
Joined: 25-Jan 04
From: Blackpool - UK
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Headphones are great for keeping on good terms with neighbours, but you've got to be fairly disciplined about not trying to keep yourself musically excited and 'turned on' in a long session by making small incremental increases in volume, they all add up! if you go to bed with your ears ringing....that noise...tinnitus, normally goes by morning but some unfortunate souls (me for instance) are stuck with a permanent high hiss 24/7!! I have several friends who are stuck with this after a youth playing in bands etc, My pain threshold seems to have dropped, I cant even cope with noisy environments like pubs anymore, and clubbing, with people shouting into your ear from two inches away is out of the question (even if I could dance:-) A nice pair of cans can provide an immersive listening experience which is hard to beat, but be careful.
By the way, can anyone tell me where I can obtain a new cable for my ancient Sennheiser 560's? They must be ten years old but I like them. (the 'phones end' are smal 1cmx2cm(ish) flattened plugs with two tiny identcal prongs to stick in the phones. Sennheisers site sells lots of 'phones cables but the 560 seems to be discontinued. cheers JC
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