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> Roll Or Delay Effect?, I'm going nutts?
post Sat 15 Jan 2005, 22:13
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From: Haverhill - US
Member No.: 58,269

Ok, I'm going to try and get this out into words as best as I can?
I have a track done. The only thing I want to do to it is:
In some spots I want to add like a Roll effect to the entire track.
Not a drum roll but almost like a flam effect to the song ina whole.
I know on drum machine (hardware ) there are the pads loaded with intruments. then there is a roll button where you can hold thr roll button and the pad of your choice and it creates a delay effect. I wish I could put this into english but i'm tring? Does anybody know what I mean? I have Logic 7 and reason, can I do this some how? I have a feeling I'm going to need to buy something.

If I could load my track into a drum machine with the roll feature that's what I'm looking to do. take the whole track and put in like 2 second rols every once in awhile

If you understand this jibberish, please help
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Dave Bourke
post Sun 16 Jan 2005, 17:56
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From: Dublin - IE
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Split your final mix waveform where you want the roll or stutter to start. Then just copy and paste the part as many times as you want beats in the roll, each paste separated by 60 or so ticks. Something like this:

"I think I'm going out of my mind"

You want "mind" to roll (or stutter). So split the waveform just before it. Now copy and paste the part containing "mind" multiple times so you end up with:

"I think I'm going out of my m-m-m-m-mind"

How you do the mechanics of this depends on your sequencer of choice. Check the manual re audio editing.

Kind regards.

Dave Bourke
- ideation -
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