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> Pro Tools Le Problem, Getting a gray screen
post Wed 27 Oct 2004, 20:41
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From: YUMA - US
Member No.: 54,020

Hello everyone.
I have a G5, Dual 1.8, running Mac OS 10.3.5.
I'm using the MBox with Pro Tools LE 6.4.
I loaded up Pro Tools and hooked up the MBox. When I choose to start a new session, a dialog box opens so I can name the session. After I name it I choose save. Thats when the trouble starts. After I hit save, the box closes. Then this grey, opaque screen color scrolls down the desktop until it's filled up. (but I can see my desktop through it.) Then a solid grey square pops up and states shut down your computer or restart. This text is followed by a bunch of other languages that I'm sure say the same thing. I can restart and try it again, but it just happens again.

I found a post about repairing my permissions. I tried that but still get the same problem. Has anyone had this problem? If so what was your solution?

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Francois Déchery
post Wed 27 Oct 2004, 21:51
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From: Sommieres - FR
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You are experiencing a Kernel Panic, which is the worst thing OSX can do before having to restart. It sounds like an harware problem or an incompatible driver.

Something to check first (in AUmiDIsetup, or in the sound preference panel, be sure to NOT select digidesign as the main output, but to leave the Internal output. Then try again your protools.

You may also check if you get the latest, latest, latest software from digidesign visiting our software section and their 'compato' pages.

Try to re-install or update (if any update is needed)

Last it could be your mbox which is dead.

Soif, MacMusic Webmaster

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