Audio Cards, Which one is for me? |
Mon 8 Sep 2003, 22:16

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I'm about to dive into computer music, and am wondering which audio card I'll need (and why). My controller will have USB out (it'll be a GI-20 pitch/midi converter triggered by a piccolo bass for low latency), and I plan on running that into a G4 powerbook (12 inch, spr drive with 60 gb hard drive and 640MB memory). There I plan on using MAX/MSP for building synth sounds to trigger and cubase or reason for sequencing. I want to do all this for a live perfomance setting, so I need things to be fast.
I know nothing about computer music, so I'm lost as far as which soundcard I need (and why).
Please help, Jason Lange
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Sun 14 Sep 2003, 16:55

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hi gleit- i have yet to buy a soundcard for my laptop, so i'm not the perfect person to be giving you advice. am i right in understanding that you are using a bass for midi input? anyway, the thing that will help determine which sound cards are most appropriate is your need for i/o. so far it sounds like all you need is a midi interface. i've done a half dozen live laptop shows so far and while i'm itching to get some sort of fw soundcard, there's a lot you can do without one. my gigs involved me writing creating beats in reason and then doing an addative/tweaking performance in Ableton Live while playing my jazz guitar along over the top. sampling the guitar or other live input would have been a special treat, but my point is that you need to talk a little bit about what you want to be able to do before folks can know whether you need something like this: something like this: something in between. firewire soundcards will give you more tracks at higher bitrates, but there are fewer of them out and they're all more expensive than usb soundcards. one i had my eye on was the m-audio firewire410, but some people don't like m-audio products in general and this card (while a good size and price) only has two inputs i think and not four. here's a link: cards are examples of the types of cards you'll find: simple or fancy usb, simple or fancy fw. unfortunately, there are hardly any options in the 'simple fw' catagory.
Kit: Dual Ghz G4, Vaio 2.6ghz GRV670 notebook. Software: Reaktor, Reason, Ableton Live. Leanings: Laptop performance, jazz guitar, singing.
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