Crackling!, Logic 6 on a IMAC 17 |
Thu 7 Aug 2003, 11:02

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 07-Aug 03
From: Guildford - UK
Member No.: 22,611

Hi, Have just started with my home studio, and am running:
IMAC 17 800/80 with 512mb ram Edirol UA20 into active monitors. Logic 6 platinum then plugging into Grooveagent Trilogy Absynthe2
When i set up 4 tracks or more running VST plug ins i got this horrible crackling sound. Any ideas? Is it the soundcard struggling?
(1 - 1)
Wed 13 Aug 2003, 12:01

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 07-Aug 03
From: Guildford - UK
Member No.: 22,611

Sorted it, changed the edirol drivers over the 24bit ASIO rather than 16bit and its gone.
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