Peakle Vs. Toast & Jam, Recording & Editing |
Tue 8 Jul 2003, 18:41

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 08-Jul 03
From: Doraville - US
Member No.: 20,978

Application: Long Jazz Programs <5hrs>, audio recorded on Stereo VCR. [H Johnson on WABE Atlanta] Goal: Transfer the Audio to my Mac, and then be able to edit out specific songs, and some of H Johnson's commentary inbetween songs. Ultimately to include specific tracks in iTunes or transfer back to CD. I need to be able to apply Fades to the Digitized Tracks: not simply trunkate them. I have a trial Peak LE [received with my iMic] which appears to have the capability of the fade edit. Roxio just advised that Toast & Jam is required.
What do you think?
-wbajr tbc PS: I'm not a Pro and about 200 is all I want to spend on this... the Peak regular version at $4XX is out of the question. Peak LE is only 16 bits...but what the heck it's a transcribed radio broadcast!
(1 - 2)
Sun 20 Jul 2003, 10:39

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 08-Jul 03
From: Doraville - US
Member No.: 20,978

Thanks...didn't do my home work. A bit of rip vanwinkle overwhelm going from system 7.6 to OS x. Peak Loaded fine <from jam> and the update was a no brainer <from Bias> -wbajr tbc
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