Midi Routing, how can i play my Akai...? |
Thu 24 Apr 2003, 13:29
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 23-Apr 03
From: London - UK
Member No.: 16,653

I've recently bought an Edirol PCR30. I've had no problem to play/control softsynth (reason,pro52,fm7....) via IAC bus but i can't find a way to play/control or record my Akai S3000 into PTF. This is my setup
*iMac DV 400Mhz
*MOTU midi express XT midi 1: Akai S3000 smpt in : Umatic video deck
*Edirol PCR30 usb port
I'm not sure where my sampler should be in my setup ( to play/record in PTF). I've tried with using the physical midi port O/I on the Edirol to O/ I on the sampler -no success. I've tried daisy chained the Edirol and Akai to the midi 1 of Midi express, but...nope..... Could that be my OMS settings?
I don't know it seems like i've tried so many things... i'm a bit confused.
I would appreciate any fresh thoughts to my problem
Thanks in advance
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Fri 25 Apr 2003, 15:41
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 23-Apr 03
From: London - UK
Member No.: 16,653

The audio from the sampler is going into a mixer. I will bounce the midi to audio at a later stage (via line input of the sound manager). And as for the Umatic, well i'm doing the sound design for a documentary so I need sound to be synched up with the picture. I'm feeding the smpt timecode into midi express which sends a midi timecode to PTF. And that runs online perfectly! But what i can't figure out is how can i play my samples from the midi keyboard. At the moment i can play my samples from the midi track (piano roll down) within PTF fine. The sampler midi I is connected to the midi keyboard O (thanks Synth tone) which is conected to the iMac via USB port. Still it's like the midi keyboard is invisible. (and i ticked the various ports of the Edirol-two usb ones- and the sampler in Midi Input device Menu). Any clues? Thanks for your help.
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