Converting Aiff To Mp3 (via Reason) |
Sun 2 Feb 2003, 04:10

Group: Members
Posts: 13
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From: Brooklyn - US
Member No.: 6,313

Ok, so I have been using Reason for two months now and I am finally ready to burn a cd  Any suggestions? (preferably free  ) Thanks (a bunch)
(1 - 7)
Sun 2 Feb 2003, 18:00

Group: Members
Posts: 13
Joined: 28-Jul 02
From: Brooklyn - US
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Egads, I thought iTunes was the solution, only the first time I tried it did not acknowledge my aiff. On the 2nd try, the file made it to iTunes but then was "not available". On the 3rd try....success  Thank you. I suppose this would be a new topic, but how about doing the reverse? I.e. if someone sent me something to remix, as an...mp3  or aiff  would opening it in NN-XT be my only option? Could I then proceed to edit to my heart's content  Somehow I doubt it.  Yes, I will share my idocy with the Reason message board. I'm very happy though that MacMusic is still up and running. Uzeguys or gals are the best.
Mon 3 Feb 2003, 18:10

Group: Members
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From: Brooklyn - US
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Well I never claimed to be terribly clever  , or that I would have to care about how many tracks are on a mp3. I guess I have some book lurnin to do, mercy bucket. Still, how in tarnation do you music folk remix one another? NN-XT is a Reason sampler, aka a music gizmo. I know all of the latest jargon.
Tue 4 Feb 2003, 11:43

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Sorry, jeb52! My irony backfired. I'm the one who isn't very clever. My brain content could do with a remix. Also, I am devoid of Reason, so know nothing about it. Fire away with your questions  oowwwwwwch Concerning music we finally listen to: we listen on two speakers so radio, CD, and MP3 music only provide one track for each speaker. I'm personally looking forward to the time when the everyday music CDs we buy (or rather Audio DVDs) will provide us with loads of tracks for loads of speakers so we think we're actually listening to a live concert with sounds hitting us from above, below, left, right, in front and behind. But that's the opposite of MP3 which includes as little information as possible so it can be streamed over the net or take up little room on digital storage media.
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