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> Presonus Firestation & Others, Pros & Cons
post Tue 19 Nov 2002, 18:16
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Mellotron said:

ive just recently seen that presonus released their version of a firewire audio interface, the firestation. i was wondering if anyone is using this. i am thinking about getting one A)because it is a little cheaper than an 828 and B)because its mic pre's are switchable from solid state to tube, which the 828 cant do.
ive read a little about this piece of gear but i was wondering if anyone else knew about it... is it capable of 96k recording? can you mix and match the firestation with the 828? are the mic pre's good quality?
anything else that you think would be valuble to tell about please do. i want to upgrade my audio interface. right now im using an audiowerk 8, which emagic does not even make anymore. i want something firewire so it can be portable. and i need something under $1000. im kind of waiting until motu or whoever can release an osx driver because i want to start using osx for audio recording.

SpenceMckay said:

I have the FireStation and LOVE IT flawless!!!!! $699 it can't be beat, I can't wait till I can afford 3 more

Teiwaz answered:

Can you provide us with a link to the firestation, Spence?  :cool:

Yukulele answered:

QUOTE , but have a look to the other gears.

Teiwaz answered:

Yes, Presonus gear rox!
I recently did a session with someone using 2 M80 8 ch mic pre's going into 2 Apogee AD-8000SE's...we were recording live drums, and the sound was like recording with a 2 inch Studer...fabulous preamps.
But the firestation doesn't seem to be a one stop solution; ie: no firewire/usb that would be VERY cool, but for now, for portable recording, my money is firmly on an Apogee mini-me...
Presonus make excellent mic pre's though...  :cool:

Teiwaz also answered:

Did I overlook the firestation's specs? Does it have a firewire interface?  :o

To be continued...

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post Tue 19 Nov 2002, 18:28
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Yes Firestation has a mLan port, ie a IEEE-1394 port, very similar to firewire, but different ;-)
Yamaha & Korg support this standard, fo example.

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post Fri 22 Nov 2002, 18:10
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so what exactly is an mLan port? how is it different from firewire?
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post Mon 25 Nov 2002, 21:52
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Sorry for the delay Mellotron, i just missed your post...
Have a look to which explains in details the differences between firewire & mLan.

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