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Sun 13 May 2007, 02:21

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

Group: Editors
Posts: 15,189
Joined: 23-Dec 01
From: Paris - FR
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First thing, in the basic you should have connected cables as follow : tascam MIDI out to S80 MIDI in S80 MIDI out to tascam MIDI in Sorry if you already know it. But sometimes the main plug is really not plugged in the wall  I don't know the S80 so check the manual , but usually, when there's something to tune in a keyboard it's about enabling/desabling the "Local" parameter on or off, which means either it play its sounds when you use the keyboard or not. Nothing to do with MIDI out. On the PC side, I don't want to tell stupidities so better left to someone in the know. I'd check I run the latest drivers for you windows version anyway.
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