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Wed 23 Aug 2006, 23:37
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if you are only recording audio logic is kinda a waste of money. its so expensive cause of all the software instruments that come bundled with it. If you don't need ridiculous track counts look at logic express. Digital performer is good and less expensive. I've never really used cubase.
Thu 24 Aug 2006, 08:44

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yes, but I have a MOTU traveler, so no Pro tools possible. For Logic Express, it's the one I have now, but it misses some basic functions for me compared to the pro version.... Any other comment on LOGIC PRO only for Audio, Edit and Mix?
Thu 24 Aug 2006, 10:39


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QUOTE (Slash5150 @ Thu 24 Aug 2006, 07:44)  yes, but I have a MOTU traveler, so no Pro tools possible. For Logic Express, it's the one I have now, but it misses some basic functions for me compared to the pro version.... Any other comment on LOGIC PRO only for Audio, Edit and Mix? Logic is great for Audio, Edit, and Mix--but then so is Audiodesk, the program that shipped (didn't it?) with your Motu Traveller. If you don't need any virtual instruments, Audiodesk rocks. If you can spare the cash, I honestly love Logic Pro's reverbs, eq's, and sound mangling plugins. I haven't used DP since version 3 so I can't really comment on its current plugins for mixing. People love it. Perhaps you should ask in the DP forum? Or the Cubase forum?
Thu 24 Aug 2006, 12:18

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I have Logic 7 and Digital Performer for sale, at a very very cheep price if your interested.
Oops wrong email
Fri 25 Aug 2006, 12:44

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there's a book out of berklee school that makes sense out of d p . i think it's called producing music with d p
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