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> Pci/firewire Audio Interface Options, Best buy?
post Fri 23 Aug 2002, 05:35
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Hi everyone, this is my first post, so be nice...

I'm buying a dual 867 G4 for midi programming (Reason) and audio recording (probably Logic, when it comes out for OS X), and I need some advice about audio interface options.

I will mostly be recording one or two tracks at a time (guitar/bass/vocals/keys), but will also want to record drums (which obviously requires more tracks). So, I figure I need an interface with 8 or so inputs, 2 of which have good preamps. This way, I can record guitars/vocals whenever I want, and when I want to record drums I can hire a good mixer and mikes and use up to 8 (or so) inputs (without having to pay up front for 8 good preamps, which I will rarely use).

So, I need:
- 8 audio inputs, 2 with good preamps
- 24/96
- MIDI would be good
- OS X support
- Firewire strikes me as cool, but PCI would also be fine
- Not stupidly expensive

Any recommendations? I've been thinking about MOTU 828/896, Presonus Firestation, M-Audio Delta 1010-LT, Edirol DA-2496...
Most of these have some compromises, are there any others I should be looking at? Anyone have any info on new hardware coming as a result of Apple's Emagic acquisition that I should be waiting for?


P.S. Sorry this post is a bit long...
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Levon River
post Fri 23 Aug 2002, 07:16
Post #2

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From: Rimghobb - UA
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I've looked at everything you've looked at, and may I recommend that you look at the Event EZBus, plus its optional PCI card for eight channels of digital I/O.

(There is a special running through, I think, September, where if you buy the PCI card [around $150] you get a $150 cash rebate--so it's essentially free.]

The machine fundamentally is USB (which should easily handle what you say the most usual demands on it will be), but the digital I/O would be there for the drum sessions, or a group of more musicians live.

It has 2 MIDI ins and outs, 8 analog ins, PLUS is a full-featured control deck that works with most popular DAW software packages, and has a host of internal bus routing options.

The member here with the nick BusError bought one within the last few days, and wrote a message expressing how great it is. I recommend that you look into it before you jump.
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Levon River
post Fri 23 Aug 2002, 08:40
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Following up my own message <A-hem>: I just read a new message from BusError (see the thread called "Ezbus thingy") that says, unfortunately, that Event doesn't plan support for their EZ-8 PCI digital I/O card under OS X!

(I just sent them e-mail. wink.gif )

So that takes a little of the bloom off the rose, but the EZBus unit itself is *still* very impressive, and a lot of bang for the buck by comparison to other units (in my opinion), and it does have two mic preamps on board (something I hadn't mentioned before, which you said was a requirement for your needs).

Finally, on the digital I/O, the EZBus unit itself has it onboard, so *presumably* that would work with *any* digital I/O card for Macs that *do* (or will) support OS X, but I can't say that for a fact.

Good luck with your shopping.
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post Fri 23 Aug 2002, 16:22
Post #4

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I think Presonus Firestation would be a good choice. Presonus' mic preamp is very good. Plus there's an mLAN connector.
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post Fri 23 Aug 2002, 16:27
Post #5

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I think Presonus Firestation would be a good choice. Presonus' mic preamp is very good. Plus there's an mLAN connector.
Motu is coming out with a new 2408 mk III , but it'll cost about 2 Firestations. huh.gif
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post Mon 26 Aug 2002, 00:18
Post #6

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I would stay away from Edirol. It's at a nice price but I don't like the performance, plus its Roland, and they horrible at listeing to customers and therefor make a lot of crap. The Firestaion is very cool and I love presonus mic pre's. The MOTU 828 is also a very good choice for you with exactly 2 mic pres and 8 ins. MOTU also now has OSX support or their Firewire audio hareware systems biggrin.gif

I myself use a 2408mkII and a Mackie 1604VLZ mixer. Thisway i have even more control. you night be able to use the M Audio Delta 1010 with a nice behringer mixer, get the same results and not have to give up you right arm or first born to pay for it.

I say make sure you know exactly what you want before jumping.

And good luck to yA

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post Tue 27 Aug 2002, 04:29
Post #7


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Hey everyone, thanks for your replies! I'm now thinking my best choices are the 828, the FIREstation, or the Delta 1010-LT - decisions, decisions...

As far as I can see, the advantages of the FIREstation and Delta 1010-LT are 96k and MIDI, while the advantage of the 828 and 1010-LT is current OS X support. (BTW, I emailed Presonus a couple of days ago and they said the FIREstation would support OS X as soon as Jaguar comes out. Well, given that Jaguar is now available, I guess this means any day now???)

The EZBus sounds cool, but seems to have only four separate outputs to the computer, and I want more separate tracks in the computer for mixing drums and adding effects (ie kick, snare, hats, toms, cymbals, overhead, whatever)...

So, I'm leaning toward the FIREstation, although the Delta 1010-LT sounds good too... Am I right that the FIREstation will be better quality? Which of these two seems better to you guys? Does anyone have any other suggestions for interfaces I should consider?

Thanks again,
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post Wed 28 Aug 2002, 10:05
Post #8


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I was about to buy the firestation when I saw on the specs that it is not 96 but 48 KHz

nobody mentionned the Hammerfall multiface (PCMCIA card and PCI) which has a very good reputation... tongue.gif

(alias Rumbo)
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post Wed 28 Aug 2002, 10:33
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Thanks! I can't believe I didn't notice that the FIREstation isn't 96k! I know I probably don't NEED 96k, but these things are so expensive I want the option. (Same problem with MOTU 828).

I just checked out the RME Multiface, and it does look very good. I guess I'd need to buy some preamps in order to plug stuff in, which is not necessarily bad, but may cost more than I'd like. Anyone have any advice or real-world experience with the RME Multiface?

BTW, I emailed Echo about the Mona (which has 4 inputs with really good preamps), and asked whether they were planning a version with 8 inputs, and they said it seems likely, but won't promise anything. Sounds good, eh?

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post Tue 3 Sep 2002, 01:29
Post #10

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Hey I didn't notice the 48KHZ thing either and I talked to the rep. Reps suck! angry.gif

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