Pop Songs Into Churchbells Assistance, novice needs expertise |
Mon 10 Jul 2006, 17:10
Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 10-Jul 06
From: Los Angeles - US
Member No.: 81,329
I am trying to find someone who can generate 5 simple pop songs in the "Church bells" filter of Garage Band. I am completely new at this but I need it for a project very soon. For instance "Shake Your Booty" would be one of the songs I am looking to have translated.
Any help from one of you musical genius would be so appreciated.
Thank you!
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Mon 10 Jul 2006, 21:17
Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 10-Jul 06
From: Los Angeles - US
Member No.: 81,329
I've been searching for MIDI'd but none in church bell format. I have the $, I wish you had the time.
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