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Fri 2 Aug 2002, 13:17

Group: Members
Posts: 10
Joined: 28-Jul 02
From: Zonhoven - BE
Member No.: 6,307

It is possible !!! This is amazing. There is also a drive bay so you can add two internal IDE/ATA or SCSI disk drives to the 2 slot enclosure.
Fri 2 Aug 2002, 15:35
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Hey, electradise, are you some kind of a schyzophren? ;-) Happy to see that you found that it's possible to use more pci cards, even on a powerbook which as no such port :-). Magma has many solutions, from 1 to 13 pci cards (wow, impressive!). I've used one, 1 year ago with a tower G4 (ie. pci) with a Pro-tools Mix24 with av-option, scsi, no problems so far. But there are controverses... It seems the pcmcia (cardbus) on most powerbooks could be VERY usefull. Have a look also at the RME interfaces (Hammefall family) at http://www.rme-audio.de/english/index.htm. Impressive, at least... Bye.
Fri 2 Aug 2002, 17:51

Group: Members
Posts: 10
Joined: 28-Jul 02
From: Zonhoven - BE
Member No.: 6,307

yeah, it's way to expensive. The RME is def. the best option. though it would be nice we could use the new roland controller on a Tibook. Don't you think ?! p.s: sorry, i'm a musician, not a computer tech. That's why i bought a mac after all.
Fri 2 Aug 2002, 19:36

Group: Members
Posts: 10
Joined: 28-Jul 02
From: Zonhoven - BE
Member No.: 6,307

http://www.rme-audio.com/Check it out. I believe they also make the interfaces for nuendo. There's also a nice test where they compare their hardware with lots of different laptops, notebooks, whatever..... I'v used it on a P41800DDR & that was really amazing.
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