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Wed 17 Jul 2002, 14:20

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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From: Paris - FR
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Real player X now JAGUAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 24/08/02 spring folders QuickTime 6 since last monday Sherlock 3 RendezVous (automatic finding of IP objects no config) in 6 months Mail update iTools becomes .mac on 30/09, new services now for $ iCal in september iTunes 3 now iPod update, lower price, remote, iPod 20Go eraly august, iPod for PC late august iSync in september sync between macs/phone/pod/pad iMac G4 17" (19" equivalent) Nvidia geforce G4 800 in 2 weeks Keynote now on  Nothing on G4++ (G5 there early so no game to launch G4++ ? G5 for Paris?) upadte program on old mac gone up to 31/07
2 Pages
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Thu 18 Jul 2002, 01:13

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

Group: Editors
Posts: 15,189
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From: Paris - FR
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And you'll have to pay the big price because there's no upgrade path for previous owners. RANT RANT RANT! Only the puchasers of mac from today will have it for nothing save shipment. B…DS (rude word) I don't want to pay the full price on a system i still can't work with (got to change my software for) iAm: ego managing software for Apple
Thu 18 Jul 2002, 04:38

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

Group: Editors
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From: Paris - FR
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As soon as Steve had finished not talking about G5, I went on Applestore Had a hard time finding the upgrade page (as usual not logically labelled) Bingo! And no it hasn't changed since this afternoon.
Thu 18 Jul 2002, 17:54

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

Group: Editors
Posts: 15,189
Joined: 23-Dec 01
From: Paris - FR
Member No.: 2,758

Just made a news upon that, I resume DP for christmas Logic at the worst on 24/08 all we need now is decent hardware and an upgrade path for Jaguar
Sun 21 Jul 2002, 02:58

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

Group: Editors
Posts: 15,189
Joined: 23-Dec 01
From: Paris - FR
Member No.: 2,758

QUOTE that's pretty quick. In fact, the announcement for end of august is not a real news, Apple gave hints of it before. About 2 weeks ago. QUOTE i feel pretty scared now. :crazy: apple are firmly in control of my destiny! "Thou shall be my slaves forever"  QUOTE i can't help feeling that there will be less free updates than i've been used to over the years. For a bit more than 2 years they did a big release for money per year, a big update for free and 2 maintenance updates for free. It's not the first time they choose to treat the users of the OS like that. They do believe in the "it's a licence to use, not a buy" BS for lawyers. People DON'T understand that. They feel endorsed by the software and believe in cool and fair update prices. It is simply not the case. They'd sell the big update for half price to previous owners, it'll be fair. It's just a reminder Apple is just a MicroSoft/Adobe/Digidesign under the hood. One day they should understand it's not commercial. point.        anyway, I will follow this (even if won't be around for a long while in august and september, lucky guys) BTW, the right short way form my avatar is lpm (no offense
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