Yamaha Ry10 Drum Machine Wanted, Still desperatly seeking a Yamaha RY10 |
Wed 19 Oct 2005, 11:33
Group: Members
Posts: 14
Joined: 09-Oct 05
From: Somewhere In Europe - VN
Member No.: 71,063
Hello Folks. Dr. Harmonica here . I'm looking for an old Yamaha RY10 drum machine. It would have to be old since they haven't been made since the early 90's. While not actually desperate I am rather interested. My trusty old machine finally got fried and accended to digital heaven leaving me with a lot of old and not so old drum and bass arrangements that I can no longer use. Not good. If anybody out there has one that they would be interested in selling please let me know. Cheers Y'all....The Doc
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Mon 14 Nov 2005, 11:17
Group: Members
Posts: 14
Joined: 09-Oct 05
From: Somewhere In Europe - VN
Member No.: 71,063
Dear Mr. Kiabomb. Thanks for the tip. I just read it today....Seems it didn't get delvered to my e-mail box. Anyway I found one on ebay Thanks again,........Dr. Harmonica
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