New site, new services coming soon!, help wanted |
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 12:39


Group: Admin
Posts: 3,204
Joined: 29-Oct 00
From: Sommieres - FR
Member No.: 11

I'm happy to annouce you guys, that the new MacMusic site will launch very soon!  All the site will now be database driven allowing a large improvment in user experience (dynamic pages), and adding many new features and new exciting services...  We need your help to make this happen and live! We would be happy to welcome anyone interested to help us to drive it and contribute to theses new services. We need some (english speaking) macmusicians who could/would write some short news headlines, in the new NEWS section of MacMusic. Obviously, Authors are fully credited, linked to, etc... We also need some people who could regulary adds updates to a coming updates area. This isn't that technical (copy/pasting some urls, adding a litte copy/pasted intro...) and would takes about 15 minutes each 3 days, if only 2 or three persons could help in this section. If you're interested or want more informations, please feel free to email me or to reply in this forum, including a short personal introduction. Thanks for your help macmusically,
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