Need Advice On Live Sampling, live sampling |
Mon 20 Jun 2005, 19:45

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..Greetings audio soldiers, this is my first post here, hope you like it...
Wants: To record a sample live to a pre-determined midi channel/note number and have it instantly triggered by a sequencer that is running. then I want to record another sample to another pre-determined midi channel/note number and have it also instantly triggered by a sequence aand so on. Basically, a sampler that can play samples and record samples (to pre determined channels) simultaniously.
I've only ever owned a Yamaha A3000 and to my knowlege it can't do this (I'ld love to be proved wrong) I've heard rummors that some akai's can record to pre-determined slots.
Can anyone confirm this??
Any suggestions entusiastically embraced :)
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Sat 6 Aug 2005, 07:14

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you should defnitely check out ableton Live, as well as Native Imstruments "Kontakt."
Sun 7 Aug 2005, 12:26

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Hey there! I'm a singer and I'm doing exactly what you want to do and I use Ableton Live 5, which is a fantastic piece of soft! I use Live with a Korg MicroKontrol to record my voice and trigger the samples instantly. In my setup I also have some looping plugs called Augustus Loop (mac only) and Musolomo (also mac only). Get Live and start live-sampling today! Kind regards, Schack
Tue 26 Dec 2006, 18:31
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QUOTE (JulienGB @ Tue 21 Jun 2005, 12:46)  Hi Neutrality I don't know much about hardware samplers but I'm sure that Ableton Live software can do the trick. You can try the free Musolomo plug in too ... Welcome to MM !!!  I am familiar with abelton live and looking to recall small portions of recorded music on the fly. How can i trigger these samples for instant playback? Any advice appreciated.
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