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> Zoom Rfx 2000
post Mon 28 Mar 2005, 21:35
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From: Leicester - UK
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Hi there,

Just signed up to macmusic. Wanted to ask some advice on a setup issue. I've got a G3 iBook, running Pro Tools LE 6.4 in conjunction with an Mbox. I've just bought a ZOOM RFX2000 effects processor and want to incorporate it into my recording set up. Is there anyway I can affect sound in my session via the FX unit?

Can't think of a way of doing it.
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Francois Déchery
post Thu 31 Mar 2005, 08:36
Post #2

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From: Sommieres - FR
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Solo the track you want to affect, send 1-2 to the FX, return FX to 1-2.
Record 1-2 to a new track (be sure to NOT monitor this track or you will get a loop).
The problem is that you wont be able to monitor your fx until you recorded it.

With an interface with more than 2in/2out it would be easier wink.gif

Soif, MacMusic Webmaster

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