Waveburner Pro Owners Must Revolt!, A short call to arms |
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Mon 28 Mar 2005, 09:37

Group: Members
Posts: 9
Joined: 17-Nov 04
From: Mcallen - US
Member No.: 55,094

I too got tired of wating for an osx version of waveburner pro. I called, emailed, emagic and their answer was: soon, soon. well, it was too much time for me. Waveburner did come out with logicpro 7 but it is completely unstable. As much as I love the mac (been mac user since mac classic days) I built a robust PC with quality parts (mothreboard,hd, ati graphics, kingston ram , etc) and bought Wavelab 5 from Steinberg and it smokes. it is as fast as it gets. and it's the program itself more than the fast computer. It has all the analysis tools I need like error detection (clicks,pops,clipping) and the cd burning PQ code editing is awsome. not to mention fully customizable vu/peak meters, spectrum analyser and other stuff. Sounds like i'm doing a comercial for Wavelab, but i've been really happy with the program. I use a Mac G5 2x1.8 for LogicPro and Protools and the PC exclusively for wavelab and I feel confident when I hand a master disc to a client. I hope Apple continues to develop waveburner pro because it used to be a great app in OS9. But until then . . . .
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