From Hobby To Career, A Student's Quest |
Sun 16 Jan 2005, 00:21

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 15-Jan 05
From: Gainesville - US
Member No.: 58,510

Hey Everyone,
I'm really getting into this digital music scene (although still a newbie). I'm learning the basics of recording and hope to soon learn about mixing and mastering.
As a student in a university, I'm in the business of figuring out what I want to do with my life!
What path should I take to make this hobby into a possible career (for example, as a studio tech)? I still have a lot of learning to do, so you could include tips on getting more advanced or even having a solid foundation of the basics.
Student Musician
Powerbook G4 - 1.5 GHz - 768 MB of RAM - Firewire 400 & 800 - Panther
(1 - 1)
Tue 18 Jan 2005, 20:23

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 18-Jan 05
From: King George - US
Member No.: 58,730

There Are thousands of things that you can do to get yourself on that path !!! Being a student however you should ask yourself how quickly you want to waltz down it. There are definitely people who make careers for themselves in the music industry, but those who approach the field with dollar signs in their eyes tend to become dissillusioned fairly quickly. Essentially what I'm saying is be patient and stay committed. I would suggest possibly seeing if your school offers any audio related classes. You could hit up some local studios in your area to see if you could volunteer your time as some sort of apprentice, but above all become involved in your community and try to find people who share your interests. I was lucky and happened to be at the right place at the right time and learned everything I know hands on with a great company. Whatever path you choose should prove worthwhile As long as your enjoy yourself along the way.
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