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Sat 27 Nov 2004, 13:55
Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 12-Aug 03
From: Aubervilliers - FR
Member No.: 22,865
Salut,j'ai eu exactement le meme probleme ki m'a bloqué pendant 1 mois, alors essaie çà (trouver sur digidesign.com/dowload/answerbase) :
"This error may be indicative of a corrupted Pro Tools database file. To correct the problem, locate the Digidesign Databases folders on the root level of each volume and remove or rename the volume.ddb file (for example “old volume.ddb”). Also remove or rename the Database files located in /Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Database/.
If this does not correct the problem, please contact Digidesign Technical Support."
ID:26378 Created:03/04/2003
Sat 27 Nov 2004, 20:59
Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 02-Feb 04
From: Paris - FR
Member No.: 34,778
Merci pour ta réponse sanfrois, c'était ça effectivement... Heral, c'est vrai j'ai trouvé la solution grâce au moteur de recherche APRES avoir posé la question, Ah indiscipline, Ah désordre... Encore merci à tous les deux,
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