Ibook G3/osx Hd Rec Soft, What's Best?, iBook G3/OSX HD Rec Soft, What's Best? |
Sat 28 Aug 2004, 21:16

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 27-Aug 04
From: NY - US
Member No.: 49,652

I have a G3 iBook 500mhz, 640MB ram.
I want to do hard disk recording to my external firewire drives, and have a MOTU 828.
I used to work in OS9 but have switched to OSX, what Hard disk recording software is most like a real mixer, and is simple and straight foward to get your ideas into.
I am recording guitar and vocals, no more than 2 tracks at a time.
How is Logic xpress or pro on this type of G3/iBook?
Looking for suggestions on software that peole know works on this G3/500 iBook.
Thanks for your time and suggestions,
Robert, NYC
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