Anyone Using The Edirol Fa101?, fa101 w/ a powerbook? |
Tue 17 Aug 2004, 22:34
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....yup -- read all the info about this - just wondering about the negatives on this.....
want to do some live recording -- 6 to 10 mic ins (3 mics on a kit, 2 amp mics, etc... into logic on a powerbook....) sounds like might need to use an external mixer.... no prob.
computer music mag review - "cant use 101 internal mixer from mac"...
any user info greatly appreciated....
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Wed 18 Aug 2004, 08:16
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From: Rwzh - NL
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Go for the Yamaha 01x digital mixing studio. By far the best user experience in combination with the Mac. Check out http://www.01xray.com for information and the forums for user feedback.
Wed 18 Aug 2004, 09:13
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hey fvdveen ---
thanks for that.... was looking for something smaller to carry around, but this maybe a much better idea in the long run.....
Fri 20 Aug 2004, 20:46
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From: Glasgow - UK
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I have used the Fa101 for about a month now on a 15" G4 PB using Logic Express without a single glitch. However, haven't done any multitrack live recording yet so can't comment in that respect.
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