Mini Disc Recorder Suggestions? |
Sat 31 Jul 2004, 21:06

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I'm looking for an MD recorder, (for field recordings, mostly ambiant stuff). I used to use my old WalkMan Pro cassette tape recorder for this kind of thing, ... figure it's time to go digital. My main requirements are adjustable recording levels, microphone input, and Mac compatable. I want to be able to transfer these sound files to my Mac without too much hassel. Wondering if anyone has any model advice, or suggestions? OK, thanks in advance.
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Sun 1 Aug 2004, 08:51

Group: Members
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From: Den Haag - NL
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I use a Sony mz-n505 with ohm K II stereo binaural microphones that you place in your ears. Also buy the seperate preamp from the microphone manufacturer... preamp is superior to the internal sony preamp. The preamp has a switchable pad. This sony minidisc has a manual input setting that you can set to override the auto limiting feature.(important) I have had good results taking the portable minidisc headphone out into my digi 001 (analog).. don't get too tied up in D/A conversion.. it sounds just fine unless you are recording pure silence. other transfer option is to buy a home deck that has digital outs.. (if you just won the lottery or Uncle Charlie left you some $)record on the portable and bring your field recordings home and transfer via that. Examples of my minidisc nature recordings are at my website Go to channel 2. The binaural microphones are killer, have recorded video using them and it enhances marginal video 200%. Used them to record the video that is on channel 3 with the singer songwriter "Marit". Good luck and enjoy the process!
Sun 1 Aug 2004, 19:39

Group: Members
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Member No.: 34,994

Thank for that info guys, very helpful. nice recordings! ... that's the kind of thing I'm looking to do.  My net research indicates the Sony mz-n505 doesn't have a mic input... so are you using the line input with the pre-amp? i built a pair of binaurals several years ago, they work great on the Walkman Pro's powered mic, ...hoping to get them working on a MiniDisc too.
Mon 2 Aug 2004, 06:09

Group: Members
Posts: 12
Joined: 19-Mar 04
From: Den Haag - NL
Member No.: 38,898

Snaggy, yes.. line input into the minidisc using the external preamp. A friend bought the same ohm K II binaural microphones without the preamp and then realized he needed their preamp... it sounded terrible without it. Thank you for the compliment.. many sunday mornings spent at 6 a.m. before jets and tram lines and human noise pollution interfered with pure nature. Enjoy the process... the zen of recording and the hope of getting it right.
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