2 questions |
Mon 18 Mar 2002, 19:02

Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: 08-Feb 02
From: Frankfurt
Member No.: 3,349

Hi, first of all. Me and my brother both use macs for music and want to exchange our logic files (our set-ups are quite similar regarding softsynth, -samplers and plug-ins). Problem is that i'm not using any external audio device (no card), my brother has a motu. This implicates, that he has to change every channel from mac av to asio, when he starts one of my logic files, loosing all information on used plug-ins, volume, panning and so on. Any way around this?
The other thing we tried this weekend is to use my logic as a slave of his one. He uses an emagic unitor midi interface, i try to cope with a terrible 2x2 midisport (overall performance with my powerpook so far: really bad, but that is not the point in this topic). What we did was to set his logic to send midi-clock and directly connected to my midi-in. My computer was able to recognize the signals for start and stop and even where to start, but i got strange input signals in my transport window, inclusive tempo changes. Does anyone have experience in synchronizing two logics? We both run 4.7 platinum on 9.1.
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