logic problems, disk too slow |
Fri 8 Feb 2002, 12:29

Group: Members
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From: Frankfurt
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have a problem concerning disk speed using logic audio 4.7 Platinum. With audio track number 10-15, depending on particular Track, my powerbook (titanium 400) comes up with disk too slow error. Can someone explain this to me, i thought, running 12 little audio tracks of 2 to 8 bars length shouldn't result in any problems (o.k., there are some compressors, reverbs and delays running in parallel, but this shouldn't matter to the harddrive, or what?), anyhow, why is such a small amount of data not kept in the RAM anyway? I just have 256 MB, would it help to put in more to improve the situation, or do i have to play around with some parameters inside Logic, which?
any help appreciated
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Fri 8 Feb 2002, 17:22

Group: Members
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From: Frankfurt
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thanks synthetic,
today my new external harddrive arrived, it's a maxtor external storage (personal storage 30o0 DV, 60 Gb), it's 7200 rpm and after manufacturers recomendation it should be very fast (i'm always mixed up about the different ways to express speed of harddrives with all that different formats, so i'm not 100% sure). So should i go for putting all the audio data onto this? That 256 Mb is low , i am aware of, so i planned to put in maximum amount, which is 1 Gb, as far as i know (too much, is less enough?)
Sun 10 Feb 2002, 18:04

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From: Frankfurt
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thanks again,
will do what i can afford, the maxtor is firewire, so i hope it will work (i'm going to test it tomorrow, if this really improves the situation, i will tell here).
Before i'm going to defrag my harddrive (norton says it's basically ok, but what means basically?), i have to backup my system first, cause i have concerns, it might not work afterwards. This i never did on a mac before (this is my first mac and i bought it just 3 months, so i'm not very familiar with the system).
Fri 15 Feb 2002, 15:41

Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: 08-Feb 02
From: Frankfurt
Member No.: 3,349

got rid of disk too slow using the maxtor for all audio tracks, the disk i/o value raises nearly to the top level without crashing, before little peaks were able to disrupt the data transfer. I want to run speeddisk (fragmentation is severe), but i do not have the cd from which i have to run it . Just trying to defrag the harddisk while running the normal system did not work properly, cause spedd disk says there is not enough free disk space available (which i think is a bit suspicious, cause i only use 7 of 10 Gb on this disk
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