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> MIDI problems, I have some problems connecting my S30 to my g4
post Sat 6 Oct 2001, 23:46
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Hi, I've just bought a Yamaha S30 keyboard and I tried to link it to my g4 using a Roland UM-1 usb midi adapter. I've got Mac OS 9.1 and I tried the latest version of OMS, but it doesn't work. OMS crashes just before saving my configuration.
Can I try something else?

Another question: how can I use my midi configuration in Mac OS X? I couldn't find any driver, but in the OS X developer documentation I found something about MIDI. Do we just have to wait for roland to release its drivers and for yamaha to release its programs?
Thanks a lot
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Francois Déchery
post Mon 8 Oct 2001, 17:13
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assuming your using the latest OMS (2.3.8):

- first try to disable ALL non apple extensions, except the OMS extension, and the USB driver of your midi interface. (I suspect an extension conflict, especially in the USB field...)

- if it still crash, u should consider trying (if your G4 version allow it) to install a 9.04 system, a 2.38 OMS, and your USB interface driver (use the latest, of course)... 9.04 (and also 8.6) is usually reported to be one of the most reliable/compatible MacOS for musicians.


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