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Tue 24 Feb 2004, 13:59

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 22-Feb 04
From: New York - US
Member No.: 36,473

We've been having similar problems with Audiophile USB, which I'm trying to hook up to my son's G3 laptop using Garage Band. At this point, we can hear previously recorded tracks through the Audiophile, but we get no input at all. I have a bunch of questions out to different sources, and will relay anything that might be of help.
Thu 26 Feb 2004, 07:39

Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: 07-Oct 03
From: Tampa - US
Member No.: 26,216

Did you go to your Audio/Midi prefrences in the utilities folder and enable play through? That might be what you need to do.
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