Apple Unveils Logic Studio including Logic 8, news |
Wed 12 Sep 2007, 16:06

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Thu 13 Sep 2007, 06:42

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I am very anxious to see how well this new version works. I have Express which I don't use that much, but this is a pretty nice looking package and pretty inexpensive for upgrading. Will look forward to seeing what early adopters have to say about it.
Thu 13 Sep 2007, 17:39

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QUOTE (Jim Hoyland @ Thu 13 Sep 2007, 11:35)  This looks pretty awesome. The price is good, and I note that they've dropped the dongle! They haven't mentioned it. Hmm, I wonder how they will protect this latest installment without it! I am warming to the idea of returning to Logic. For the past 2 years I've barely touched it. Last year I took Logic off my MAC. I use Pro Tools for editing film. Most people do so I don't see a switch to make unless the picture cut is made in FCP. Still most editors I know use AVID for film and CORP. If the OMF/AAF interchange works well then it'll be a massive improvement. I hope to see a powerful DAW with Logic studio's improvements. Many things here for not much money. Have I heard that somewhere before!?
Fri 14 Sep 2007, 06:24

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I couldn't stand it - I bought the upgrade (from Logic Express was not too terrible a price). I usually try to wait until bugs get worked out and folks report in, but I looked over everything in the package and I just couldn't wait. When I get it and have it up and running, I will report back.
Fri 14 Sep 2007, 12:33

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Re the dongle, from"XSKey-free operation A simple serial number replaces the USB dongle and lets you make music without the hassle of extraneous hardware." One weird thing is that the UK education price is cheaper to buy new than to upgrade! I'm not complaining as this will mean we can re-sell our Logic 7's...
Wed 19 Sep 2007, 07:18

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So Logic Studio came in the mail today - a huge, impressive box of goodies. I can't tell you how they are because it has taken all even installing and I am still not done.
I CAN tell you this - if you upgraded from Logic 6 to 7, you will need either your serial number for 6, not the 7 upgrade, OR the dongle. I could not find the disk and SN, and it took an hour to find the dongle (shows you how much I have used Logic recently). FInally, I found it and the installation began proceeding smoothly. I have not (re) installed the Jam Packs yet but all else is in place (had to put the content files on a separate hard drive) and I am going to take a look now.
Just thought some of you might get help from the installer issue. Oh, yeah - if you want to install the content on another drive, you will have to install it from the content DVDs - the main installer won't let you change installation locations, even if you go back and try to install again. But the content installation goes smoothly, you just have to tend it and feed it the multiple DVDs.
Will report back in soon.
Thu 20 Sep 2007, 06:50

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Oh, if only things went as smoothly as it appeared. Nothing too terrible, really, but I was not able to install the Jam Packs on my external drive, which was a pain because my laptop's HD is too small. I knew when I inserted the content disk for the Jam Packs and it said I had to use the Logic DVD to install that this was likely to be the case, and it was. Because they live in the Library/Application Support I guess they have to be on the system disk.
Playing around with things my first take is that there isn't that much that's spectacularly new - but it does somehow seem a little more streamlined and scaled up. I wish I could change the UI appearance like I can in the new Adobe CS3 products because I like a dark interface - I looked in prefs but didn't find anything immediately obvious. But the small improvements do seem to add up to a useful upgrade. It works well with GarageBand which I use a lot for roughing things out. Also nice to have soundtrack because it's easier to use for post with video/ motion graphics projects. And plenty of sounds to play with for starters. Overall, it looks like a nice package for a reasonable price. Now I will use it for work projects and see what the deeper pros and cons are.
Will report in. Would like to hear from others who get it up and running (it was a long install - something like 4 plus hours, needing tending every 30 minutes for 3 of them).
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